Saturday, February 19, 2022

Gallbladder Operation

 My husband did his best to keep everyone updated but got a few things wrong. What Dennis Marks Jr. didn't tell you about my surgery. He wasn't there before they put me out for the operation, things just didn't align. Once he got there he got all settled and after about 5 and a half hours, someone came to my husband and said he needed to go to a conference room. He immediately thought he had lost me. The things that must have gone through his mind in those minutes before the Dr. walked in and asked why he was crying and he said he thought I had died. The operation was over two hours longer than it should have been. Sometime between when I had my scan and when I had my operation my gallbladder burst. Now I have had several operations at this hospital and this was the first time they called him into a conference room, they usually just come right up to him to talk to him.

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