Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Mass in Gallbladder

 Not a great update. It’s not diverticulitis but they found a mass in my gall bladder and want me to go back to the hospital for more testing. I’m more then a little scared. I am just so weak and tired I’m not sure how much I can take. Keep the prayers coming will update once I am in and get results. Hugs

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

More tests

 Had my appointment with gastroenterology, and I have to be up first thing in the morning to have a catscan done. They did order antibiotics. Setting up the catscan my insurance company was trying to get an ultrasound instead and the office was like no we need a catscan, the insurance company says oh that will have to go into clinical review, the office says we have it for stat we can't wait that long. Mind you this call took about an hour of this. You'd think I was trying to get a Disney Vacation or Cruise out of them instead of medical care for a health problem. Anyways as soon as I know I will update all of you. Just uncomfortable and my next chemotherapy treatment is creeping up. Keep those prayers coming everyone. Hugs

Monday, February 7, 2022

Have appointment with Gastroenterologist

 Update, they have me going to an appointment tomorrow afternoon right at the office for gastroenterology. I am so glad they could fit me in so quickly.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Labs and Night before treatment

 Had my labs and Dr. appointment yesterday. My numbers are good so we will do a full chemotherapy treatment. My insurance approved the use of the medication to help my bone marrow to produce more white blood cells so we have that in case my numbers fall again.

I was approved to start up my vitamins again as well. They want me to start with one iron and hopefully work up to 3 a day depending on my colon's response, as well as my multivitamin and vitamin D. I told her about my head feeling like it is bruised as well as my hair loss and she said what I am feeling is my hair follicles responding to the chemotherapy, and hair loss is anywhere from none to all with all being on the low side so time will tell with what my response will be.

The Dr. was really surprised with how well my skin is doing. My daughter and husband try to keep me well moisturized. She also asked about mouth sores and none yet another area she was surprised to see doing so well. Like I said I have side effects and I still have 10 more therapy sessions to go so anything could pop up, but I am thankful every day for Jesus giving me grace through all of this and always making sure I am not alone during this journey. Keep those prayers coming! Hugs.

The night before Chemotherapy is the night my family makes sure I get a good meal in and also a good breakfast before I leave for treatment because I lose my appetite for several days while getting therapy. Tonight my daughter is making stuffed shells, and salad, the girls requested ice cream. My neuropathy is gone right now so I will have a little of the ice cream too.

Breakfast we usually pick up on the way to my treatment depending on time. Last treatment with the modified chemotherapy I didn't lose my appetite as long and I only lost a pound and a half. The Dr. wants to know how I do this week with a full treatment plan again. Like I said I can deal with the weight loss I am a big girl, and our family Dr. is ok with the weight loss if I am still eating. I still have my food struggles but we are finding more foods that work around my fears which has helped me a lot. Again thank you for the support and keep those prayers coming.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Losing my hair

I am losing more and more hair each time I brush, the first time seeing full-length size strands though. Oh, the effects of chemotherapy.


Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Checking on White Blood Cells

 Feeling OK today. Had more blood labs to see how my white blood cell count is doing. So far during Chemotherapy and a few days after I deal with nausea, diarrhea, a little neuropathy, and I am extremely tired so I rest a lot. I am blessed so far because there is a long list of side effects I could be having. Keep those prayers coming. Hugs.

Friday, January 21, 2022

Paint and Sip


Haven’t done paint night in a long time so super excited for tonight. We are going to be painting on a tote bag this time. When it is done it will become my chemotherapy bag.

Here is my bag all done.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Low white blood cells

 I had my appointment with my oncologist today as well as labs before Chemotherapy tomorrow. My white blood cell count is quite low so we are doing a modified treatment this week, as well as more blood tests next week while they wait for a pre-authorization from my insurance company for a machine that will hook up to my side to stimulate my bone marrow to kick in. A little scary but we will take it as it comes. Keep those prayers coming. Hugs.

Monday, January 17, 2022

Cough and Congestion

 I wanted to update everyone. I am sorry I haven't been very active but I have had a cough and congestion that just won't let up even with medication. I have always had a hard time bringing up the stuff from my lungs, my mom would always have to watch me closely. So far it has not turned into an infection. I get my labs for my next chemotherapy and see the Dr. this Wednesday so I will know more then. Of course, I have a bleed on top of it so depending on labs I might need an infusion but will know more Wednesday. My family has been watching me closely, taking good care of me, and encouraging me to eat when I am up to it. We are taking one day at a time. I have been just trying to rest as much as possible while drinking lots of fluids. Thank you to everyone who has called, left messages, and texted to check on me. Keep those prayers coming. Hugs.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Friday, January 7, 2022

Day 2 of treatment


My pump today you can see it is shrinking and getting deeper lines. Amazing medical technology that Jesus gave someone the idea to make. Still feeling ok. One step and day at a time

I wanted to brag a little bit, we decided to full throttle homeschooling this year, and wanted to make sure it was known that Dorothy Marks kicked butt even with all of my health issues. Her first quarter average is 98%. Make sure to congratulate her and encourage her to move forward.

I am so blessed my hematology oncologist team just called to see how I was doing on my treatment. I am so happy to have the team I have.

Thursday, January 6, 2022

First day of Chemotherapy


Starting meds didn’t sleep well last night so hoping to get a little rest here. Keep those prayers coming and send some encouragement my way. Love you all hugs.

Home resting with my little lemon friend which is actually my pump for the next two days. So far so good no side effects yet but I’m bound to have a few. Feeling the Lord’s presence for sure. I also made a friend and we plan to sit next to each other next time so we don’t have to talk across the room at each other. Don’t mind my hair it’s going to be washed Saturday once I get home from having the pump detached.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

First set of Labs


Was all warm and cozy for my first set of labs before my treatments start. Got the A-OK to start chemotherapy on Thursday.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Holiday Excitement

 We had a pretty good Christmas even with stress, illness, and a tree that wouldn't light this year. Our tree that my youngest daughter and oldest granddaughter put up and decorated needed help that was not available this year from the angel who has seen better days that we let go of when they took down the tree to the lights that no longer worked which caused us to toss the tree altogether. We plan on buying a new tree, ornaments, and an angel for 2022. 

From all of the stress of the girls, my stomach started acting up and nothing was moving, causing me a lot of pain. Once the stress was removed my body started working and I was on the mend. We had Christmas Eve with my Son's family and boy do I love seeing the boys enjoy their presents. It brings me so much joy to be able to see them and spend time with them. 

Christmas was spent with all of the girls which was great and stressful all at the same time. My oldest daughter is just struggling and the fight is up in your face real, too much for me in my current condition to even get my mind around. I have placed her in God's hands as I need to heal so I can be there for everyone. 

Like I said before my husband only half guessed his pistachios but never guessed his larger presents which he loves by the way. The girls made out like bandits as usual. I got a three-tiered fruit bowl that didn't make our last move, some really nice warm mittens, gloves, and hats, and a whole case of chocolate Candy that used to be sold here in America but no longer is that my husband had delivered from England, I got a new Quill pen, wax, and a monogrammed wax stamper and all different kinds of colored wax to seal my letters with, a massager, nail files, and a piece of art with all of our children's names on it. I think there might have been something else but not sure. 

On the 28th I had my appointment with my Primary Care Physician and it was mainly a catch-up visit and setting up my next visit. It went well. I am down 36 lbs from my pre-op weight. I have a phobia of eating so we are keeping a close eye on that to make sure it doesn't get out of hand but this last week I have finished my plate twice which has made my husband happy. 

Our home has come to getting excited if I make a bowel movement and if  I eat. It's like a party up in here at any given time. Whoot Whoot. There are plenty of sad times but we like to focus on the good times as much as possible. 

I had someone cause some undue stress the night before my operation but it has been worked out. I don't think I will ever understand why people do things to hurt others. 

On the 30th I had my surgery to get more port placed. It went well. I was awake the whole time talking with the Dr. and Nurses, although I did sleep well when I finally got home. On the way home, since we know my chemotherapy treatments will cause neuropathy I had a Dairy Queen Banana Split and I enjoyed each and every bite savoring it for all, it's worth as it may be a long time before I can enjoy ice cream again. As for my port, it is still tender and still has a few days to heal. 

Later on the 30th we would find out that two of the people who were helping my daughter move her stuff into storage came back positive for Covid-19. We still rang in the New Year but I have to call my Dr.'s first thing Monday to see how they want to proceed with my care this week. I am thinking they might hold back my chemotherapy a week to see what my daughter's test says. Sadly there are no rapid tests open so we have to wait for the longer test to come back which seems to take forever. So far I still have the dry cough I have since my surgery in November and nothing else so we are taking that as a good sign. 

We are still taking one day at a time and enjoying the time we have together. Holidays can be stressful but please always try to find the happy moments. I know that is what gets me through. Here is to a New Start to a New Year for everyone!

Friday, December 31, 2021

New Years Eve!


Up and ready to ring in the New Year with my family. With chemotherapy treatments starting soon I know it won’t be an easy start to the New Year, but I hope when we are rounding up to the next New Year I can look back knowing I did the best I could. Jesus is in control.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Port placement day


All hooked up and ready to go.

I’m awake and out of surgery.

For anyone interested the round item is what they placed in me. It’s called a smart port power injectable port. I even get to wear a bracelet to let my Drs, nurses, and caregivers know exactly what kind I have.

I almost had a heart attack

 Someone thought it would be a nice joke to tell me my daughter was dead on the internet, which led us to have the police called to check on her, "but it wasn’t meant to hurt me". I just don’t understand people. I surely didn’t need the added stress. I go in for my port placement operation this morning. Anyways all the kids are alive but my heart went through quite the ordeal last night. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and texted us.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Appointment with primary


I had my appointment with my primary care Dr. today. A lot of catching up, to say the least. Not counting the water weight I lost after leaving the hospital. I am down 36 lbs from my pre-op weight. Since I now have a pretty big phobia starting with eating food. Scared I will get another diverticulitis infection or cause my stomach or intestines not to work, he will also be keeping track of my weight loss as well. Weight loss is good for my body but not good for my health if I am losing because I am afraid to eat. I am so glad he understood. I am blessed with a Dr. who truly cares for my well-being.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve

I hadn't been on the last few days as I think I ate something wrong and it messed up my stomach and intestines, causing me back pain and vomiting. I am on the mend now and the little bit I ate is now staying down. I had a good Christmas Eve with my Son's family and even though I nibbled at the food earlier I was able to enjoy a stuffed mushroom a little while ago. So delicious. Tomorrow is our day with the girls. The girls are in the kitchen making deviled eggs and I think something else. Dennis will be preparing the food tomorrow. Merry Christmas Everyone. Cherish the time you have with family you never know what tomorrow will bring.