Showing posts with label Living with Colon Cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Living with Colon Cancer. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

First set of Labs


Was all warm and cozy for my first set of labs before my treatments start. Got the A-OK to start chemotherapy on Thursday.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Holiday Excitement

 We had a pretty good Christmas even with stress, illness, and a tree that wouldn't light this year. Our tree that my youngest daughter and oldest granddaughter put up and decorated needed help that was not available this year from the angel who has seen better days that we let go of when they took down the tree to the lights that no longer worked which caused us to toss the tree altogether. We plan on buying a new tree, ornaments, and an angel for 2022. 

From all of the stress of the girls, my stomach started acting up and nothing was moving, causing me a lot of pain. Once the stress was removed my body started working and I was on the mend. We had Christmas Eve with my Son's family and boy do I love seeing the boys enjoy their presents. It brings me so much joy to be able to see them and spend time with them. 

Christmas was spent with all of the girls which was great and stressful all at the same time. My oldest daughter is just struggling and the fight is up in your face real, too much for me in my current condition to even get my mind around. I have placed her in God's hands as I need to heal so I can be there for everyone. 

Like I said before my husband only half guessed his pistachios but never guessed his larger presents which he loves by the way. The girls made out like bandits as usual. I got a three-tiered fruit bowl that didn't make our last move, some really nice warm mittens, gloves, and hats, and a whole case of chocolate Candy that used to be sold here in America but no longer is that my husband had delivered from England, I got a new Quill pen, wax, and a monogrammed wax stamper and all different kinds of colored wax to seal my letters with, a massager, nail files, and a piece of art with all of our children's names on it. I think there might have been something else but not sure. 

On the 28th I had my appointment with my Primary Care Physician and it was mainly a catch-up visit and setting up my next visit. It went well. I am down 36 lbs from my pre-op weight. I have a phobia of eating so we are keeping a close eye on that to make sure it doesn't get out of hand but this last week I have finished my plate twice which has made my husband happy. 

Our home has come to getting excited if I make a bowel movement and if  I eat. It's like a party up in here at any given time. Whoot Whoot. There are plenty of sad times but we like to focus on the good times as much as possible. 

I had someone cause some undue stress the night before my operation but it has been worked out. I don't think I will ever understand why people do things to hurt others. 

On the 30th I had my surgery to get more port placed. It went well. I was awake the whole time talking with the Dr. and Nurses, although I did sleep well when I finally got home. On the way home, since we know my chemotherapy treatments will cause neuropathy I had a Dairy Queen Banana Split and I enjoyed each and every bite savoring it for all, it's worth as it may be a long time before I can enjoy ice cream again. As for my port, it is still tender and still has a few days to heal. 

Later on the 30th we would find out that two of the people who were helping my daughter move her stuff into storage came back positive for Covid-19. We still rang in the New Year but I have to call my Dr.'s first thing Monday to see how they want to proceed with my care this week. I am thinking they might hold back my chemotherapy a week to see what my daughter's test says. Sadly there are no rapid tests open so we have to wait for the longer test to come back which seems to take forever. So far I still have the dry cough I have since my surgery in November and nothing else so we are taking that as a good sign. 

We are still taking one day at a time and enjoying the time we have together. Holidays can be stressful but please always try to find the happy moments. I know that is what gets me through. Here is to a New Start to a New Year for everyone!

Friday, December 31, 2021

New Years Eve!


Up and ready to ring in the New Year with my family. With chemotherapy treatments starting soon I know it won’t be an easy start to the New Year, but I hope when we are rounding up to the next New Year I can look back knowing I did the best I could. Jesus is in control.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Port placement day


All hooked up and ready to go.

I’m awake and out of surgery.

For anyone interested the round item is what they placed in me. It’s called a smart port power injectable port. I even get to wear a bracelet to let my Drs, nurses, and caregivers know exactly what kind I have.

I almost had a heart attack

 Someone thought it would be a nice joke to tell me my daughter was dead on the internet, which led us to have the police called to check on her, "but it wasn’t meant to hurt me". I just don’t understand people. I surely didn’t need the added stress. I go in for my port placement operation this morning. Anyways all the kids are alive but my heart went through quite the ordeal last night. Thank you to everyone who prayed for us and texted us.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Appointment with primary


I had my appointment with my primary care Dr. today. A lot of catching up, to say the least. Not counting the water weight I lost after leaving the hospital. I am down 36 lbs from my pre-op weight. Since I now have a pretty big phobia starting with eating food. Scared I will get another diverticulitis infection or cause my stomach or intestines not to work, he will also be keeping track of my weight loss as well. Weight loss is good for my body but not good for my health if I am losing because I am afraid to eat. I am so glad he understood. I am blessed with a Dr. who truly cares for my well-being.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve

I hadn't been on the last few days as I think I ate something wrong and it messed up my stomach and intestines, causing me back pain and vomiting. I am on the mend now and the little bit I ate is now staying down. I had a good Christmas Eve with my Son's family and even though I nibbled at the food earlier I was able to enjoy a stuffed mushroom a little while ago. So delicious. Tomorrow is our day with the girls. The girls are in the kitchen making deviled eggs and I think something else. Dennis will be preparing the food tomorrow. Merry Christmas Everyone. Cherish the time you have with family you never know what tomorrow will bring.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Emotional Overload

 Today we had an education day about my Chemotherapy. It went well, we toured the chemotherapy room, and got acquainted with the nurses. I also met with billing and everything is a go from my insurance, at least for now. I also got the date for the operation to get my port put in which is December 30th. 

Before we even left this morning I had a surprise. My daughter Nesie picked up my daughter Samantha and Lilly so they would be here for Christmas. Hugging Samantha is what I needed to get my day started and then I saw her face. Her teeth are in really bad shape. She 27 and there is nothing left to them. How does that even happen? I know her life choices and the fact that she battles with anorexia and bulimia is a big part of it but it was still a shock. I told her she needs to find a surgeon and get all of her teeth pulled and get dentures. To see my baby in pain because of her teeth is heart-wrenching. 

Then we had Nesie she is a mess. She had a breakup and my granddaughter and she both have to be out of the house by December 31st with nowhere to go, and with me being sick. Nesie has had a lot on her plate. Nesie has a lot of decisions to make in a short time and it is putting a toll on her boy and mind. I can suggest things and listen to her but I can't make her decisions for her. Lets just say she isn't having it easy right now. 

Being a mother seeing your children in pain or turmoil is hard to see when you aren't able to fix it for them. Like I said on my Facebook. " I liked it better when they were all really little and we had all the answers for them. A kiss, a hug, or time just with them is all they needed to make things better." It's hard, please remember people who look fine may be going through rough times or have to make a tough decision, be kind.

We had lots of tears on the way up and on the way back from the Clinic. Big note make sure you have tissues on hand in the car for these very moments. We did finish the night off by ordering Chinese for Dinner. Everyone ate together talking and I think the night ended well for everyone before the girls were off till Christmas Day.

Education Day

 We went to education day, toured the chemotherapy room, and got acquainted with the nurses. Met with billing, which went well. We also got the date for my operation for port placement, which is bright and early on the 30th. I’m lucky I get to have a nice infusion before they start to keep any bleeds under control.

Today was a rough day emotionally but not because of my illness. It’s hard as a parent seeing your adult children going through stuff that you can’t fix for them. I liked it better when they were all really little and we had all the answers for them. A kiss, a hug, or time just with them is all they needed.

Keep those prayers coming and remember people may seem fine but they are really dealing with some hard decisions, be kind.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Where I am right now

 So I know it has been some time since I have written, but life just flies right by in the blink of an eye. These days even more so. Our family is looking forward to the Holidays. This year my husband and I bought presents for each other which doesn't happen very often. We have been married 31 years and maybe only a handful of times have we bought gifts for each other. It has always been about the kids and family. This year has thrown us a curveball and we took a stand just buying for our children, grandchildren, pets, and for each other.

 I did however not let my husband buy anything for me until I made it through my operation. I made it and he started ordering right away. There is one present, the big one he said but the last time he updated me it was still on the other side of the planet. Time will tell if it makes it here on time. His however have all made it and are wrapped and ready. He is super excited to guess what his presents are and he is dead on good doing it. This year I don't think he will guess. He guessed his large presents were toolboxes. Sorry honey but you're dead wrong. I know he will guess some of the smaller gifts by feel but the larger ones no way not in a million years. 

 I will update everyone more about my health but wanted to try and write a little something each day so that there is a kind of diary for others who may be going through what I am going through or if I pass for my family to look back on. I love them so. I have a great medical team, a supportive family, supportive friends, and many new friends to make along my journey. When I am feeling alone and at my lowest, I feel God's presence and he comforts me. He often sends my husband to me, puts a song into my head,  someone calls,  or messages me. Jesus is awesome and never leaves my side. Thank you to all those who pray for me, message me, or call me. You are all wonderful. Hugs. 

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Met with my Oncologist

 I wanted to update everyone. I had my oncologist appointment last Thursday. My daughter and I will be attending education day this week. Between then and January 6th I will have a small surgery where they put in a port for my medications as well as a pre-treatment day.

I am stage 3A pT1 N1A colon cancer. I will be getting chemotherapy every other week for 6 months. On Thursdays starting January 6th one treatment will be done at the clinic and the second will be done at home for the next two days via a pump. The pump gets disconnected on a Saturday.

My Oncologist and Hematologist will be working hand in hand to monitor me the whole way. I have several health issues that may make this a bit tedious. I am already anemic so they know they will probably have to stop and restart treatment to let my body heal.

I already have a bleeding disorder and these treatments will make spontaneous bleeding happen more often. I will be having many blood tests and checkups along the way. They aren't sure how long my body will take the treatments before they may need to stop them so that is a toss-up.

The side effects are not pleasant, but we are trying to get the things we need in our home before we need them to make it easier on my husband who likes to be prepared, he doesn't like surprises. When I left the hospital I weighed a lot more than when I went in. I lost all of that which was about 25 lbs, as well as 30 lbs of my before-operation weight. I'm a big girl so the loss of weight isn't a worry for me like it would be for someone who is thin.

We will keep you updated as often as we can. Thank you all for the support and keep those prayers coming.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Getting Staples removed.


Well, I’m dressed (my clothes fit again) not sure I’m ready but going for my checkup with the surgeon.

So I had my appointment. For anyone interested we did a video of a few of the staples being removed. There were 47 of them and my incision was about 16 inches. I have to be very careful for the next two months, we don’t want a hernia. The surgeon said it would be almost impossible to fix if I were to get one. So slow and steady is best for me. My PT and OT people are up to date so they know what they can and can’t have me do. I have to touch base with my oncologist this week, not looking forward to it but I have a good team ready to cheer me on. Keep those prayers coming.

Trying to upload but video from Facebook I am having a problem getting so seeing if my daughter still has a copy of it. If you would like to see it you can find it here

Friday, December 3, 2021

Stage 3 Colon Cancer

 My Surgeon called bright and early this morning as in he woke me up. He informed me that they got the whole Tumor but did find cancer in my lymph nodes. I have stage 3 colon cancer and the next step is to see my oncologist and start chemotherapy. Keep those prayers coming.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Day 14 after surgery

I am sorry I left you all hanging for so long. On Friday they just hit us with they were sending me home, no time to think about anything else. Dennis thought it was too soon and I wasn't feeling strong enough.

I brought my biggest most comfortable clothes and because of the fluid retention, none of it fit. I felt like I was stuffed into my clothes and they were barely hanging on. I couldn't fit my shoes or slippers so had to leave the hospital with hospital socks on. The ride home was a little painful with the bumps but we made it.

Once home I had to walk through the wet freezing snow to get into the house it was horrible but once in everyone helped dry off my feet peel the clothes from my body and get me into my nightgown before helping me into my brand new bed for the first time. (Someone in our life made it possible for me to have this bed and it has been a godsend, to say the least).

The first few days were rough, there were more messes than actually making it to the bathroom. Our floors have never been cleaner. What made it so hard is that none of the equipment that is supposed to be here is here yet. My husband is taking really good care of me and the girls are helping also. Nesie and my son have made sure we have everything we need and check up on me often.

This week our days have been filled with medical personal OT, PT, nurse visits, home health aid, and dietician. I am literally wiped out, I am still getting as much rest as I can. My appetite is getting better but most times I just eat what I can. Most of my pain is on the side they didn't operate on, I guess I pulled a ligament or muscle when they were getting me in bed at the hospital.

I have pain in my abdomen as well but it isn't as bad as they said it would be. I am just mainly tired all of the time. I have my follow-up visit with the Surgeon early next week so will update again then. Thank you all for the prayers, thoughts, comments, messages, and phone calls. They all mean so much. Hugs and keep those prayers coming.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Day 9 after surgery

 They sent me home last night. A bit rough. Will explain more later. Much more comfortable this morning. Thank you all for the support and prayers.

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving! Day 7 after Surgery


They took my NG tube out to try me on a liquid diet. So far so good. I am thankful for my life. Happy Thanksgiving to all of my friends and family.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Day 5 after Surgery

 This was me yesterday, it was rough. Two new Ivs running with tons of goodies going in. Fluids, another iron infusion, potassium, Tylenol, and the rest of my medications are crushed, then mixed with liquid and pushed through the NG tube. I am not eating anything and I’m not hungry at all. I am feeling a little better today.

They helped me wash up, a little hard with tubes and wires everywhere. Just to go to the bathroom is quite the ordeal. My output from NG tube is lower but not low enough to test to see if it can come out yet. They said at least 1-2 more days.

I am passing gas out my rear now so that is a good sign tho gs are progressing. The NG tube is uncomfortable but better than the severe pain I was in. I only have a little pain when moving or transferring. It’s mainly because my stomach and intestines aren’t working together as they should. I am in better spirits today. The staff is awesome here.

When I get to go home I will have visiting nurses and all the equipment I need should be dropped off and ready for me. They said I will find out the staging of my cancer by 2 weeks from the day of my surgery taking into account the holiday. Thank you to everyone for the encouragement and prayers. Keep them coming.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Day 5 after surgery


Things went downhill really fast yesterday. I started to get really tired, out of breath, stomach discomfort, super hot, and vomiting. They did an iron infusion and I tried to rest but couldn’t. They did an exray then put in an NG tube which is uncomfortable but relieved the pain, nausea, and hotness. I vomited up over 1000 of whatever they measured by and another 650 from the machine. My belly could have burst. I am so thankful please keep the prayers coming. They are thinking of 2-3 days with this.

Side note which was written after this happened. Things changed really quickly from lip gloss to feeling I wasn't getting enough air. It was hard to breathe, I was really tired, and discomfort everywhere. I was super hot and vomiting. The Nurse finally gave me Zofran but soon after I vomited again. She asked if they had flushed it and I said no I vomited in one of the bags. She asked where it was. I said in the bathroom. She looked at it, and took my oxygen level as I was having a hard time breathing which showed 82 she got on the phone right away and called for a Dr. Stat.

I was sent to get an X-ray which was very uncomfortable I just wanted my husband with me and thought I was going to die. Once back they tried inserting an NG tube up my nose and it wouldn't go apparently I have a deviated septum so they tried the other side and it went down. I told them I had a bad gag reflex and they said everyone says that. Well, two nurses were at the top of the bed with me, and two nurses at the foot of my bed.

One nurse had the hose, one had a cup with a straw, and not sure what the other two were doing other than trying to encourage me that things would be fine and trying to give me instructions. It was all a blur of trying to drink water while they were putting the hose down my nose and then the nonstop projectile vomiting that sprayed all over myself and the nurses at the foot of the bed.

They were able to get the tube in and immediately my pain was gone, the machine started sucking out my stomach. They said they had never had that much come out of a person before and they had no idea how much had been soaked up by the bedding. The bedding was soaked, and the nurses were soaked but their job wasn't done. My bed clothing was also soaked so they had to cut my gown off and make sure my incision did not get soiled. Cleaned up the bed, helped me get new bed clothes on, and settled before they could go and clean themselves up. I just kept apologizing.

I told them to call my husband I wanted him there with me.

Monday, November 22, 2021

Day 4 after surgery


Day 4 I pulled out the lip gloss. Now all I need is sparkly nail polish and I’m all set. It’s getting easier to transfer and walk around. Saw my surgical team this morning but not my surgeon yet. Thank you for all of the prayers and support. A big hug to you all.

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Day 2 after surgery


I ate most of my breakfast but only a few bites from lunch. Just not that hungry. Maybe I’ll eat more at dinner. Holding on. Getting out of bed, chair, and toilet are the hardest. Feels like I did abs 500,000