Sunday, September 29, 2013

MarksvilleandMe Purex UltraPacks Plus Oxi Review, Giveaway, and Sweepstakes. (Now Over)

Yes you heard that right a three in one post for my readers. I am very lucky to be part of the Purex insiders team. With that I am able to try products and let my readers know how much I did or didn't like them. Keep reading because this time they let me have coupons to share with my readers so a give away will be at the bottom to win a free coupon for Purex UltraPacks plus Oxi  coupon Maximum Value $6.00.
*open to USA address holders only.

As you can see they take great care in how they send out their packages. 

This is what it looks like opened up. You can see the coupons attached to the front of my instructions in the baggie.

Finally here is what I get to use to let you know how our family liked or didn't like Purex UltraPacks plus Oxi.

First of all I am already a Purex lover and Oxi is my go to for almost any stain my family throws at me, so using them together was a no brainer. Just glad they finally put it all together to make my time in the laundry room a little faster so I have more time with my family.

I have a front loader so I am always careful to make sure that I purchase he laundry detergent, of course this is he approved so we were good to go.  
A side not:
I have heard lots of horror stories of kids getting into this little pillows of laundry detergent so please keep them out of reach like you would with any other of your cleaning products. A little caution goes a long way.
Like I expected my laundry came out great.
I do have to remind myself not to scoop in oxi anymore as well as reminding my husband that it only takes one little pack to do a whole load, see we grew up with mothers putting in huge cups of detergent to get the wash clean, so it is a hard habit to break and while these little UltraPacks might be tiny in size they pack a huge wallop in getting laundry its cleanest, but you would have to try it for yourself to see how well it can do.

Before we get to the giveaway I have an awesome Sweepstakes from Purex for you to take a look at.

Two-a-days are over and it’s time to get ready for the season. Are you ready for some football? Just find the red football jersey hidden somewhere on, then click on it to enter for your chance to WIN $50!

Hint: Just toss and go!

$50.00 sounds good to me. Check it out at Find the Red Jersey and Win Sweepstakes. MarksvilleandMe wishes everyone who enters Good Luck!

OK now onto the giveaway.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can check out Purex on 

*The Purex brand provided me with a sample of Purex UltraPacks plus Oxi in exchange for a product review. However all opinions expressed here are from MarksvilleandMe.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Win Clear Skin For Life (Now Over)

About Truth in Aging
Truth in Aging is a beauty site with a mission to provide the honest truth about beauty and personal care products. Marta Wohrle the founder like many others had a bathroom filled with products that said they would give you this and that, but in the end didn't do what they said they would. Marta then took it into her own hands to find out and teach herself about which anti-aging ingredients would work and why others did not and why. She then created Truth In Aging a forum where she could share what she learned with others.
Truth In Aging is giving away Clear Skin For Life (over $500 value) to two lucky winners.
Two Winners will be randomly selected to receive

Clicking on the picture below will take you where you will enter your name and email address. Improve your chances of winning by liking Truth in Aging on Facebook,  Twitter, Pinning this contest and sharing with your friends. This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. You must be 18 years of age or older to enter. Contest runs through October 11. A winner will be chosen on October 12. 

This contest is open to U.S. residents only. You must be 18 years or older to enter.

You can follow Truth in Aging at 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Nerf Rebelle Review

I am a BzzAgent which means I get to try new products and let others know what I think about them. Most of the time I get products for adults, but this time I was lucky enough to be able to get in on the Nerf Rebelle Campaign from BzzAgent , which I kept secret from my girls until the package arrived. 

I know when most of you think Nerf you think toys mainly for boys, but  with Nerf Rebelle there is no going back they have finally made a girls toy that even this mom loves.
Here is my daughter Deanna not sure what might be in the box, but willing to find out.

I think you can see she is just opening it and the smile is already emerging.

Deanna has a friend who shoots a real bow and arrow but our family wasn't sure we were ready for that, so this took care of two things, first of all making my little girl very happy, and two I know it is Nerf so I know it will be safe to use.

Here you can see the picture I took on the nice backdrop my husband made me for my pictures.
My Campaign kit included:

  • A NERF Rebelle Heartbreaker Bow (that comes with 5 collectible darts!) 19.99 value
  • A Dart Refill Pack with 12 more collectible darts 6.99 value
  • A NERF Rebelle brochure to give you and your daughter a better look at the line
  • Rebelle-Themed Temporary Tattoos
  • Pass-along coupons for other parents with active daughters — good for a FREE NERF Rebelle Dart Refill Pack with any purchase of a NERF Rebelle Bow or Blaster

She couldn't wait to try it out, but did stop to pose for a few pictures.

Here she is getting a better take on how to use it, before I send her out to try on her own and show her friends.

I don't know if I told you this or not, but Deanna is known as Princess Deanna in these parts. This is several weeks after the first unwrapping and as you can see it doesn't matter what she is wearing or doing my girl is always ready to play, and notice the neat area where you can store your darts, so that they are ready when your child is.

Deanna is 10 and loves this toy. I also have older daughters ages 16 and 19 who loved this just as much and wish they had made these when they were little instead of being stuck with the Nerf  toys made for boys. If you couldn't already tell our family loves Nerf products.
I also have a 5 year old daughter and a 2 year old grand daughter who can also work this very well. 
*it is recommended for ages 8+ so please make sure younger kids have supervision, and that you go over using this toy safely with your children before letting them run free with it. 

No one likes a neighbor complaining because the kids were shooting their cat, didn't happen to us, but you get the idea.

We have added all of the Nerf Rebelle line to our Christmas and Birthday lists, and I can tell you this for certain, my little girls will be very excited come Christmas morning because Mommy and Daddy want some too, which makes it a definite purchase. 

There are few toys that I think the whole family will love, and this is one of them.

MarksvilleandMe approves this toy with two thumbs up.

You can see more of the product line at Nerf Rebelle
Or stay up to date on everything Nerf at 

Thank you

I wanted to thank all of my family, friends, followers, fellow bloggers and those who entered for making MarksvilleandMe 500 Facebook Fans and Growing Give a Way a success. I can hardly  believe I need just 86 more fans to post up my next giveaway which will be called MarksvilleandMe Peaceful Happy Girl Giveaway. For those of you who only have boys in your life, don't worry I will be having a give a way for boys later.

I learned quite a few new things having this giveaway as well as a few lessons along the way. Like I said it can only get better, right? With that being said I am very excited about the progress I have had in the last month. I am very thankful for the new friends I have made and of course my wonderful friends behind the lines who have helped me along the way. I can't forget the rest of Marksville (my family) for all of the encouragement and ideas for future giveaways and prizes. 

I hope to make this a site where people will want to come to not only enter giveaways, but also to check in on our family, and maybe use some of our ideas from our other pages in their own lives. I am always up for suggestions so make sure you comment and I will try to answer all of the comments I get. 

I do battle with Fibromyalgia, Von Willebrand, a weak immune system, and our already busy family, so sometimes I get a little behind but do what I can when I am able to. God has blessed me with a will to survive and to never give up, no matter how much pain I am. I may get down from time to time, but God always has a way of reminding me that things can always be worse, which gets me moving forward again.

So in conclusion I wanted to thank everyone for helping make MarksvilleandMe a success. I am looking forward to making many new friends while sharing ideas, stories, and supporting each other along the way. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

prAna E.C.O Mat’s along with a mat bag Giveaway (Now Over)

Sponsored by prAna

Hosted by

Co-hosted by

prAna E.C.O Mat’s along with a mat bag 

September 19 to October 10

US Residents only

All entries are optional
We appreciate the support of our sponsor, please show your support by following them on their social medias pages.

a Rafflecopter giveaway 

I know I would love to have this as would my oldest daughter. MarksvilleandMe wishes everyone who enters Good Luck!

Disclaimer: MarksvilleandMe is not responsible for the awarding of the prize.  Sponsor is responsible for prize fulfillment.  If you have any questions about this giveaway, please email the host at