OK so here is my Bathroom Pantry/ game room/ Linen room
So far we were able to fix the drawer for the Dresser, Clean off the shelves although I notice from one picture to the next there is black on one shelf. Since I know it isn't paint I think it may be hair spray for halloween so will have to give that a scrub to see if it comes off.
Here you can see the built in vanity all cleaned off. My husband took all of the almost empty bottles of shampoo and conditioner and made one full bottle of each from those, recycled the already empty bottles and gave the things that weren't used back to me so I could put them on the right shelves. We have several opened bottles of things in the pantry which are marked to use first before opening newer product so we can get rid of those bottles sooner.

We literally removed everything but the shelves or dresser from the room, then wiped the shelves and put things back. It has been about 8 months now since we have had money to buy shampoo, conditioner, pads, body wash, etc, so I was really upset to see just how many things we were getting low on. My girls really do waste shampoo and body wash, they use enough each time for about 20 people. Time for a lesson in body care.
We moved one shelf to the edge of the room leaving a spot in the corner for 10 boxes of sanitary pads. If you didn't already catch on, yes I am a couponer. Have been for 25+ years now and in times like this when we have no income it really comes in handy.

I had to actually have my youngest daughter go upstairs to get the second picture for me because I had forgotten how messy the floor was before we started. As you can see we couldn't even step in that room before. Now the floor is clean and safe to walk on. It feels so nice when I need something I can actually go back there and find what I need without any problem.
We told the girls if they need something they need to ask us and we will get it for them, and for now on Mommy and Daddy are putting away the items from when we go shopping.
We still have the linen, and game part to do which I hope to update for you soon, until then my goal is to maintain what is already done.