2021 Gift Guides Blogger's Information
We would like to invite you to our 2021 group gift guides. This is our 5th year of putting together gift guides with a variety of bloggers.
We are putting together our gift guide schedule for 2021. Each guide is $15 to join. By January 1st – If you sign up for all the guides and pay at once the price is reduced to $75 for 7 guides. Included in the price is the html for the guide, your blog name is listed with the group of bloggers and promoted to over 7,000 potential sponsors. Other ways to participate are available at no additional costs. You are encouraged to contact your sponsors and new ones when you find them.
Let’s show the sponsors how easy we can work together to get more eyes than ever on their products. Our 2020 Holiday Guide is here so you can see how it works, sponsor information is HERE for the current guide.
Gift Guides and Dates for 2021:
2/17 – 3/28 SPRING
4/1 – 5/9 MOTHER’S DAY
5/12 – 6/30 DAD/GRAD
7/5 – 8/31 BACK TO SCHOOL
9/7 – 10/20 FALL
11/1 – 12/25 HOLIDAY
Choices for this gift guide for Bloggers:
- Post gift guide and promote like you would your own.
- Post gift guide and promote like you would your own, plus have other bloggers share your reviews, when you share the same blogger’s reviews.
- Post gift guide and promote like you would your own, plus post and promote all the giveaways in the guide. You will receive 2 free links of choice (except Facebook) for each giveaway if you choose to post all of them. You post your giveaways where the same bloggers post and promote your giveaways.
- Do everything post/promote guide, share and have shared reviews, and post and promote giveaways and have the bloggers post and promote your giveaways.
- Cost is $15 includes HTML of sponsors information and gift guide
- All money from sponsors is collected by you and we do not touch it. You can arrange any deal with sponsors you feel works best for you. You bill and we do not ask what you make at any time. We do ask that all disclosure laws are followed.
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