Monday, April 13, 2015

Easy Cleanup for Lego with Box4Blox

As a mother I wish they had this when I was little because I loved legos and then again when I had my sons. they were big into legos, Even my girls now like to play with them once in a while. 

Now that they have girl colored blocks my youngest wants to get some, not knowing we have huge box downstairs filled with all of the original Lego's and other building bricks that work with them. 

The first thing she asked is if this comes in girl colors so maybe in the future they will but until then this is still a great item. 

You just pour in your legos into the top and then shake and they stay on the tray they fit in. Smallest pieces on the bottom. 

Matter of fact pretty soon we are going to get that huge box out and sort and sort until we have them all done. Much easier for our girls to build with them, besides Daddy has missed playing with them too. 

Right behind our girls we have two grand daughters who I am sure will love building blocks just as much because they are already into the mega and duplo blocks. Love the creations children come up with. 
You can purchase the Easy Cleanup for Lego with Box4Blox on Amazon.

What box4blox has to say about their product.
Every kid loves Lego, which means every family with kids has Legos,
which means every family with kids has a problem keeping Lego mess
under control.

You know what we mean: Lego spread all over the floor; standing on
stray pieces left on the floor; losing parts from expensive lego
sets; scratching through the dust bag; the kids hassling for help to
find parts lost amongst all the other pieces.

Let's face it, there's no doubting Lego is a great product, but from
our perspective, as parents, it can be a real pain in the "you know
where", and I am not talking about our feet when we stand on them.

Well the good news is, not any more, because our simple invention
BOX4BLOX means all your Lego woes are over.  Visit our web site and watch the video and see what we mean.  See why
the kids (and especially Moms) love the BOX4BLOX.

We are Peter and Moira Botherway, parents of four kids, and we are
the inventors of BOX4BLOX.  We live in New Zealand, but we
manufacture the BOX4BLOX in the United States, where we sell it
exclusively online.  We do this via our web site, in conjunction with, and their excellent FBA service, who warehouse, process
and distribute all our online orders.

Our problem is we are just a small Mom and Pop Kiwi business that
has invested our livelihood into establishing our manufacturing and
distribution infrastructure in the US.  This means we do not have a
million dollar marketing budget to tell all those Moms and Dads out
there about the attactive merits of the BOX4BLOX.

However, one of our major advantages of selling the BOX4BLOX
exclusively through is the Amazon Associate
program.  This excellent program, in conjunction with,
enables us to locate and establish marketing relationships with
businesses like yours, to help us market and promote the BOX4BLOX to
our target market in the United States.

As you will see on our web site, the BOX4BLOX is a great product
that really works, with it already received numerous excellent online
product reviews.  It has been voted the "Best Home Organizing Product
of the Year" by the National Association of Professional Organizers
(NAPO) and it comes with a 5 year guarantee to replace any broken or
damaged parts.

One thing the BOX4BLOX is not, is a toy; it is a storage organizer
for Lego bricks.  Its target market is the Moms and Dads, but with
that being said it makes an excellent gift for any Lego loving child.
Grandparents absolutely love our product as a gift idea for their
grandchildren, with one grandparent we know of having bought 14
BOX4BLOX over the years, one for each of her grandchildren.

Another advantage of the BOX4BLOX is that it is not just a fourth
quarter product, with it selling right thoughout the year.  It is
made in the USA and our relationship with Amazon FBA provide our
customers with total "peace of mind" when ordering online.  

You can find out more about box4blox on:

Disclosure:  MarksvilleandMe received one or more of the products mentioned above as part of a promotion using Regardless, MarksvilleandMe only recommends products or services we use personally and believe will be good for our readers. Some of the links in the article may be “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive compensation.  If you would like MarksvilleandMe to review a product or service please contact us at 

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